Errigal Contracts GDPR General Policy & Implementation Statement

Statement of Intent

Our company recognises the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and has identified it as an item of mandatory legislation in our register of legislation and regulation, that i.e. the relevant parts of it taking the context of our business into account, should be complied with so as to protect, so far as reasonably practicable, the personal data that we hold and / or process in the curse of conducting our business. Our company had already registered under the 1998 DPA (Data Protection Act) with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) and we are now re-developing and gradually implementing our personal data related processes to ensure compliance with the new or enhanced requirements of the GDPR.


The controls for the management of GDPR ultimately lies with the board of directors. This includes the responsibility to ensure the provision of adequate resources for implementation and regular assessment. The daily implementation of this policy lies with operational management with support being provided by health and safety management. All employees have a responsibility to comply with this policy and its associated arrangements.

Arrangements & Implementation Plan

Performance Management, Monitoring and Review

The effectiveness of management arrangements together with our performance against stated objectives is routinely monitored and reported to the Errigal Board on a regular basis. This policy and its associated arrangements will be reviewed at least annually.


04/01/2019   04/01/2019

Cormac McCloskey (Construction Director) Damien Treanor (Financial Director)

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